mardi 31 mars 2015


We, the 99%, have taken over this subreddit. No more fatcats. No more gold. In fact, all users with gold will now be filtered by Comrade Automoderator.

Viva La Proletariat

submitted by brownboy13 to AskReddit

[link] [756 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Country music fans across America are calling for radio stations to pull Little Big Town's new single "Girl Crush" after misinterpreting the lyrics to be about a same-sex relationship. The song speaks of a profound jealousy a woman feels toward her ex-boyfriend’s new lover.

submitted by panthersolsen to Music

[link] [283 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

If my son so much as cries, he rushes in to save his life. Best buds.

If my son so much as cries, he rushes in to save his life. Best buds. submitted by I_Ate_A_Queef to aww

[link] [113 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Elvis and Ann-Margret, 1964

Elvis and Ann-Margret, 1964 submitted by teequ to OldSchoolCool

[link] [26 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Facebook 'tracks all visitors, breaching EU law' - People without Facebook accounts, logged out users, and EU users who have explicitly opted out of tracking are all being tracked, report says

submitted by bimonscificon to worldnews

[link] [310 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

As a teacher In a high need school, I was speechless when my students all chipped in to get me this as a thank you/wedding gift.

As a teacher In a high need school, I was speechless when my students all chipped in to get me this as a thank you/wedding gift. submitted by GARcc3734 to gaming

[link] [450 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Ball fired from a cannon at 60mph, from a truck going 60mph

Ball fired from a cannon at 60mph, from a truck going 60mph submitted by Ze-skywalker to gifs

[link] [162 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

F4 Phantom

F4 Phantom submitted by Isai76 to pics

[link] [317 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

LPT: When playing video games, throw a few pushups, crunches, sit-ups in during loading screens.

submitted by douchetorials to LifeProTips

[link] [322 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

These restroom signs are accurately posed.

These restroom signs are accurately posed. submitted by facefloss to mildlyinteresting

[link] [15 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

This website has recordings of the calls and songs of over 9000 different species of birds

This website has recordings of the calls and songs of over 9000 different species of birds submitted by ruk_hai to InternetIsBeautiful

[link] [25 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Hugh Jackman's physique in the 7 movies he played Wolverine

Hugh Jackman's physique in the 7 movies he played Wolverine submitted by Lobo2ffs to movies

[link] [179 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

A proper Full English Breakfast made with local Lincolnshire Produce

A proper Full English Breakfast made with local Lincolnshire Produce submitted by chrisbarnett6 to food

[link] [189 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

my friends work requires a doctors note if you call in sick

my friends work requires a doctors note if you call in sick submitted by eaglel66 to funny

[link] [190 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

This is what I wake up to every morning

This is what I wake up to every morning submitted by Kedrico to aww

[link] [23 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Rendering of Enceladus

Rendering of Enceladus submitted by deckartcain to space

[link] [23 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Tomorrow, /r/TIFU will be flooded with people's pranks gone horribly wrong.

submitted by _Lazyland_ to Showerthoughts

[link] [35 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

My step dad forced me to upload this.

My step dad forced me to upload this. submitted by funkbawks to videos

[link] [193 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

I may own one of the most 90's things - OJ Simpson Pog Slammer

I may own one of the most 90's things - OJ Simpson Pog Slammer submitted by Guntizzle to pics

[link] [92 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Top Gear presenters Richard Hammond and James May no longer work for the BBC

Top Gear presenters Richard Hammond and James May no longer work for the BBC submitted by holdthewheelanddrive to television

[link] [70 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

A woman took her deaf friend to a concert and signed her the lyrics so she wasn't excluded

A woman took her deaf friend to a concert and signed her the lyrics so she wasn't excluded submitted by OutFerARipAreYaBud to gifs

[link] [212 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

I don't know about you, but I think this is just amazing

I don't know about you, but I think this is just amazing submitted by SocioButt to gaming

[link] [113 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

I am the REAL Hercules, and the first captain (after Captain Kirk) on Gene Roddenberry's ANDROMEDA. I'm also the really mean professor on GOD'S NOT DEAD. And Gojun Pye on MYTHICA. Kevin Sorbo, AMA!

Good morning everyone.

My latest project is the first episode of a three-movie series, Mythica: A Quest For Heroes , premiering TODAY, March 31. You can check out the first installment of Mythica exclusively here:

And if you'd like to help support the second part of the Mythica Saga, please check out our campaign.

Victoria's helping me out via phone. For those of you up early enough to ask questions - ask away!

Photo proof:

submitted by KevinSorboHere to IAmA

[link] [218 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

TIL various studies have shown that coffee prevents cancer, causes cancer, makes you live longer, makes you die younger and reduces your risk of diabetes.

TIL various studies have shown that coffee prevents cancer, causes cancer, makes you live longer, makes you die younger and reduces your risk of diabetes. submitted by Toothpaste_n_OJ to todayilearned

[link] [170 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

TIFU - I ate a hot pocket and now my girlfriend thinks I'm cheating. FML

I made a hot pocket in the oven last night, and I of course needed to test if it was cool enough to eat. So I used the most appropriate method I could think of, I took a small bite[7]. Superheated "cheese" comes out, but no big surprises there.

I proceeded to devour both pockets and sooth my burning lips and mouth with an icy beer. I went about my night and everything was normal. This morning I noticed I had burned my bottom lip near the right corner. It wasn't too bad, just a small blister I noticed while shaving.

I went to work and went about my day, and proceeded to forget about my burned lip. I got off work and met up with my girlfriend. She gives me a big kiss, which then pops the blister. She pulls away quickly as I reach towards the blister. She looks at my lip and asks me what is on it. I say it's just a blister, but she just keeps staring and analyzing it. After a minute she picks up her purse and says, "no, that's herpes", calls me an asshole and accused me of cheating on her. She tells me we're over and started freaking out that she now has herpes. I keep trying to tell her it's a hot pocket burn as she leaves the bar, but she just stormed out flipping me the bird while everyone just gave me a death stare.

I checked out myself in the mirror and the blister popped really badly, it looks pretty nasty, but I don't think it looks like herpes.

This all happened an hour ago and she's not answering my texts or calls.

Tldr: I ate a hot pocket, burned my lip, gf left me cause the burn kind of looks like herpes.

submitted by TheLazyD0G to tifu

[link] [268 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

TIL that a High School student served 5 years in jail and had to register as a sex offender after being falsely accused of rape by a classmate of his, because she didn't want her mother to know she was sexually active.

TIL that a High School student served 5 years in jail and had to register as a sex offender after being falsely accused of rape by a classmate of his, because she didn't want her mother to know she was sexually active. submitted by Joe_Henry to todayilearned

[link] [204 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Giant squid caught on camera

Giant squid caught on camera submitted by ErrorlessGnome to creepy

[link] [49 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

While Dent was sitting in the back seat of a cruiser, police say they found a small bag of cocaine ... a video released this week shows [the officer] pulling a bag of drugs from his pocket.

submitted by innociv to news

[link] [193 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

The swordsman - fineliner - 1x1cm perhaps

The swordsman - fineliner - 1x1cm perhaps submitted by Robledo to Art

[link] [16 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet


Cannibalism submitted by Spokenfungus2 to funny

[link] [60 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Reddit, what is the most overrated film?

submitted by shaneisshort to AskReddit

[link] [1331 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

TIFU by accidently waterboarding my son.

He was having a bath, and we were playing and messing about, I put the shower curtain over his head and poured water over him, I heard him gurgling. Turns out our shower curtain isn't waterproof.

submitted by El_Richos to tifu

[link] [137 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Who else checks reddit during their morning routine as if it were the morning newspaper?

submitted by anevar to AskReddit

[link] [99 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

"Push harder" I shouted at my wife while she was in labor...

"Push harder" I shouted at my wife while she was in labor. "Screw you" she screamed back at me.

Bit harsh I thought...... it wasn't my fault the car broke down on the way to the hospital!

submitted by drbatookhan to Jokes

[link] [13 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Science AMA Series: We are ocean scientists on an expedition in the Caribbean aboard the NOAA Ship Nancy Foster. We're using high-tech tools to map coral reefs and find fish 'hotspots' in areas of the ocean where little is known ... AUA!

We are oceanographer Tim Battista and ecologist Chris Taylor. We are NOAA scientists currently leading a research expedition in the U.S. Virgin Islands aboard the NOAA Ship Nancy Foster. This is the 12th year that we've come to the Caribbean to systematically map a sprawling coral reef ecosystem that is home to an amazing variety of ocean life.

Our team is using multi beam sonar, scientific echosounder (fishfinder), underwater gliders, a remotely operated vehicle, and other high-tech tools to locate previously-unknown seafloor habitats; to map out coral reefs in fine detail; and to find 'hotspots' where many species of fish gather to spawn in rhythm with the lunar cycle. The data we gather helps people better understand and manage this critically important region of the ocean.

Here is a picture of us off the coast of St. Croix:

We'll be here from 1:00 pm ET through 3:00 pm ET today answering your questions about our research as well as what it’s like to work on a NOAA ship … AUA!

(We are out at sea, and our internet is by satelite, so there maybe intermittent outages.)

submitted by NOAAgov to science

[link] [42 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Reddit, what's the best insult you can think of that doesn't include gender, sexual orientation, race or my Mother?

Edit: obligatory omg this is my best post ever etc

submitted by Darkimus-prime to AskReddit

[link] [1811 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

This Is My Stolen Ruger. My exes new man posted it on facebook for sale after I reported it stolen. Genuis Level.

This Is My Stolen Ruger. My exes new man posted it on facebook for sale after I reported it stolen. Genuis Level. submitted by jchase81 to funny

[link] [508 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Anti drink-driving poster by Fiat in Brazil. The caption reads "Now you see it. Now you don't."

Anti drink-driving poster by Fiat in Brazil. The caption reads "Now you see it. Now you don't." submitted by nomau to pics

[link] [51 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

A massive power outage has hit Turkey. 24 regions and major cities are affected including Ankara and Istanbul.

submitted by xHaGGeNx to worldnews

[link] [55 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Fire Cave . . . Lake Baikal, Russia . . . Photographed by CoolBieRe [1600 x 1068] [OS]

Fire Cave . . . Lake Baikal, Russia . . . Photographed by CoolBieRe [1600 x 1068] [OS] submitted by trot-trot to EarthPorn

[link] [4 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Cadbury gets it. [OC]

Cadbury gets it. [OC] submitted by swindy11 to funny

[link] [115 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Martha Stewart kills it at The Beiber Roast

Martha Stewart kills it at The Beiber Roast submitted by BrundageMagic to videos

[link] [366 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Ariz. governor vetoes bill shielding names of officers

submitted by theoriginalauthor to news

[link] [234 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

We still doing celebrity senior photos? Found Tom Hank's from 1974

We still doing celebrity senior photos? Found Tom Hank's from 1974 submitted by Xenomorph02 to OldSchoolCool

[link] [36 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

How I feel about trailers....

How I feel about trailers.... submitted by moobybooby to gaming

[link] [182 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

I can't help feeling that other life is so close

I can't help feeling that other life is so close submitted by deckartcain to space

[link] [45 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

New spa-like abortion clinic is part of a trend to de-stigmatize the procedure

New spa-like abortion clinic is part of a trend to de-stigmatize the procedure submitted by CallMeBinkley3 to nottheonion

[link] [162 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Dr. helps save a 1.5 kg premature baby boy. The boy grows up to be a firefighter and 30 years later helps to save the Dr.

Dr. helps save a 1.5 kg premature baby boy. The boy grows up to be a firefighter and 30 years later helps to save the Dr. submitted by ProgrammerByDay to UpliftingNews

[link] [19 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

We forgot to tell our cat that we had a baby

We forgot to tell our cat that we had a baby submitted by manychairs to pics

[link] [92 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

ELI5:Why can some people fall asleep faster than other people? What goes on in the brain?

submitted by skryfy to explainlikeimfive

[link] [174 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

lundi 30 mars 2015

Should not have corrected himself

Should not have corrected himself submitted by LilBrownieBoy to funny

[link] [498 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

I made an optical illusion clock. Let me know what you think!

I made an optical illusion clock. Let me know what you think! submitted by oneste to videos

[link] [119 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

A Flag Shaped Aurora over Sweden

A Flag Shaped Aurora over Sweden submitted by supremegalacticgod to space

[link] [10 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

12 Works of Literature That Were Featured On 'Mad Men'

12 Works of Literature That Were Featured On 'Mad Men' submitted by GravyWagon to books

[link] [51 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Won a trip to Puerto Rico and couldn't take my wife. Didn't have a single second of fun.

Won a trip to Puerto Rico and couldn't take my wife. Didn't have a single second of fun. submitted by widgetdude to pics

[link] [733 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

TIL that "The Safety Dance" is a protest against bouncers stopping dancers pogoing to 1980s new wave music in clubs when disco was dying and new wave was up and coming.

TIL that "The Safety Dance" is a protest against bouncers stopping dancers pogoing to 1980s new wave music in clubs when disco was dying and new wave was up and coming. submitted by New_Car_Wrecked to todayilearned

[link] [183 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

If fire drills have done anything for me, they've taught me to treat fire alarms as a joke.

submitted by RPaye to Showerthoughts

[link] [48 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Weirdest thing I've ever seen in Times Square

Weirdest thing I've ever seen in Times Square submitted by USSpaceMilitary to creepy

[link] [48 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Shots fired at NSA headquarters

submitted by imoses44 to news

[link] [560 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

[AMA Request] The guy who does the HowToBasic videos

My 5 Questions:

  1. What happens to all the food?

  2. How is the clean up process?

  3. Where did this start?

  4. Do you make a living off of these videos?

  5. Does anyone help you in the process?

Public Contact Information: If Applicable

submitted by MrGingerCat to IAmA

[link] [64 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Elizabeth Montgomery, 1960s

Elizabeth Montgomery, 1960s submitted by texanwill to OldSchoolCool

[link] [25 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

He spent the rest of the night complaining how someone spilled beer on him

He spent the rest of the night complaining how someone spilled beer on him submitted by ping33 to funny

[link] [229 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

The supreme leader enjoying a beer at the Hong Kong Rugby 7's

The supreme leader enjoying a beer at the Hong Kong Rugby 7's submitted by ShowmetheP to pics

[link] [301 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

TIL Stanley Kubrick, when told that Schindler's List was a good representation of the Holocaust, replied "Think that's about the Holocaust? That was about success, wasn't it? The Holocaust is about 6 million people who get killed. Schindler's List is about 600 who don't."

TIL Stanley Kubrick, when told that Schindler's List was a good representation of the Holocaust, replied "Think that's about the Holocaust? That was about success, wasn't it? The Holocaust is about 6 million people who get killed. Schindler's List is about 600 who don't." submitted by Jagdgeschwader to todayilearned

[link] [357 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

What is a question you can ask someone and their answer will most likely be a lie?

submitted by MaCoRoAr to AskReddit

[link] [1698 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

How most horror games look in my library.

How most horror games look in my library. submitted by Owyyaabe to gaming

[link] [46 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Goats are the masters of physics.

Goats are the masters of physics. submitted by _CRAB to gifs

[link] [32 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

How do plants like lemon trees and chilli bushes hope to spread their seeds and multiply?

I ask because I was under the impression that that plants evolved fruit to be appealing to animals who would consume them and the seeds within. However with really bitter fruits like lemon and the spicy chilli, how in nature would these plants get animals to eat their seeds?

submitted by Tomoyboy to askscience

[link] [126 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

TIFU by making out with my dream girl

It all started with this youth organization that im a part of. Its mainly for high-school students but there is this one college girl that is an absolute bombshell. We were sitting during one of the meetings I was sitting next to her and our hands brushed up against each other. She grabbed mine and proceeded to stare in to my eyes the rest of the meeting. Long story short- We made out. 9/10 would do again. what about the other 1? well. That would be me. Who now has herpes.

submitted by Copperflame to tifu

[link] [221 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

My buddy's new puppy is aww.

My buddy's new puppy is aww. submitted by wackywill24 to aww

[link] [41 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

So it does work...

So it does work... submitted by DarthTyekanik to funny

[link] [186 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

These backpacks look like cartoons

These backpacks look like cartoons submitted by Michellehas2ls to mildlyinteresting

[link] [52 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

ELI5: When you bash your head, elbow or other body part why does the pain seem to dull when you rub it?

submitted by notnat3 to explainlikeimfive

[link] [51 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Iggy Azalea blatantly plagiarizing

Iggy Azalea blatantly plagiarizing submitted by samBme to videos

[link] [453 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet