samedi 31 janvier 2015

Japanese piggy bank.

Japanese piggy bank. submitted by IpMedia to creepy

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

Team Rwanda see snow for the first ever time.

Team Rwanda see snow for the first ever time. submitted by mybikehaswheels to pics

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

My baby boy.

My baby boy. submitted by mukluk4real to aww

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Captain Kirk and his Jupiter 8, 1960's

Captain Kirk and his Jupiter 8, 1960's submitted by nudzr to OldSchoolCool

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

Jack White brings Q-Tip on stage at MSG. Opener Run The Jewels bring out Zack De La Rocha. Best show I'll ever attend.

submitted by Gnu_Mutant to Music

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

Waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay sounds super rad if you don't know what either of those things are.

submitted by jgam7 to Showerthoughts

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

Were you lucky in the "genetic lottery"? Why? Why not?

submitted by BiddyCavit to AskReddit

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

Fall Out Boy Has Apologized To America For ESPN Playing Their Song So Much

Fall Out Boy Has Apologized To America For ESPN Playing Their Song So Much submitted by BillyBeaned to nottheonion

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

DIY Removable Nexus 7 head unit in my 2013 Subaru WRX... x-post from /r/subaru

submitted by tsubie320 to DIY

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

The most watched sports events in the world [OC]

The most watched sports events in the world [OC] submitted by WhatWeOnlyFantasize to dataisbeautiful

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

Biggest bro save of all time

Biggest bro save of all time submitted by thebestisyetocome to funny

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

Rainy Night, Pencil, gif.

Rainy Night, Pencil, gif. submitted by SGGT to Art

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

Ruslan and the Giant, Digital Painting, 40 x 20

Ruslan and the Giant, Digital Painting, 40 x 20 submitted by PavelSokov to Art

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from reddit: the front page of the internet


Karl Pilkington. THE VOICE OF HUMANITY. submitted by hoonor to funny

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

I've had this Burger King collectible cup for 20 years. Today, I found a new one in the box at a flea market. [OC]

I've had this Burger King collectible cup for 20 years. Today, I found a new one in the box at a flea market. [OC] submitted by Kor__69 to pics

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

My hope for 2015 and message to DICE from gamers.

My hope for 2015 and message to DICE from gamers. submitted by ledzepplinfan to gaming

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

TIL overweight or obese girls are at least 15% more likely than their recommended-weight peers to have had anal intercourse

TIL overweight or obese girls are at least 15% more likely than their recommended-weight peers to have had anal intercourse submitted by whoopin to todayilearned

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

[1:26] Oddly motivating video on how to reduce stress in 60 seconds

[1:26] Oddly motivating video on how to reduce stress in 60 seconds submitted by e-mcsquare to videos

[link] [231 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

This is the greatest Venn Diagram to ever exist.

This is the greatest Venn Diagram to ever exist. submitted by maggotbrownie to funny

[link] [91 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

The tables have turned

The tables have turned submitted by sunbolts to funny

[link] [61 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

TIL that 86.8% of Pit Bulls pass a temperament test - better than Collies, Golden Retrievers and Beagles

TIL that 86.8% of Pit Bulls pass a temperament test - better than Collies, Golden Retrievers and Beagles submitted by KaliMau to todayilearned

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

Helen Mirren is like Jennifer Lawrence of the seventies.

Helen Mirren is like Jennifer Lawrence of the seventies. submitted by Wintermutemancer to pics

[link] [222 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Japanese hostage 'beheaded' by ISIL

submitted by grumbal to worldnews

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

Homeless Jesus sleeping on a bench statue to be installed where homeless aren't allowed to sleep on benches

Homeless Jesus sleeping on a bench statue to be installed where homeless aren't allowed to sleep on benches submitted by paulwesterberg to nottheonion

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

TIFU by Kissing My Girlfriend

So unusually for me, this didn't happen today. It was a couple of weeks ago.

I've been dating my GF now for about a month and a half, and everything is going great (we'll call her Jamie, since that's my generic online name for her). She's my first girlfriend and she's absolutely amazing. She puts up with me being a short, sort of awkward, red-headed theater geek like no one I could even imagine. She's a real heart stopper. That's a big part of why I feel so bad about this.

She was at my house and Dad thought it would be a great idea to go out to dinner. Sweet. He mentioned that he heard about this nice place at work that we should try.

Well we get there and it turns out to be a vegetarian/vegan place. =/ None of us are vegetarian. But the line is short and we're already here, so we decide to stay.

Good choice. I had a great plate of pasta and Jamie had some kind of Asian salad. Everyone had a great time, and it went better than expected. Yay!

We go home and hang out for a while waiting for her dad to come pick her up. He shows up outside and she gives me a hell of a kiss. She's such an awesome kisser. I get all silly every time she does. =) Then she leaves. =(

Anyway, I hop on my computer to hang out on IRC for a while, maybe browse Reddit. After a while, my mouth gets a little itchy. Whatever, just take a couple benadryl and move on. Wait, this doesn't feel right. Is this what I think it is? It is. Where did this come from.

Oh right, Jamie has an Asian salad. With a peanut dressing.

I'm allergic to peanuts. =|

Shout for mom, check. Epipen, *thwack! Lights sirens, hospital, vomit, pass out.

I'm okay now, but Jamie felt horrible for half a week since she almost killed me. Luckily, we're over it and still dumb teenagers in love. But we need to remember she needs to brush her teeth next time.

TL;DR: Girlfriend kissed me and took my breath away.

submitted by g4vr0che to tifu

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

TIL During World War II, prisoners of war in Canada were treated so nicely that they didn't want to leave Canada when they were released.

TIL During World War II, prisoners of war in Canada were treated so nicely that they didn't want to leave Canada when they were released. submitted by aFPOON to todayilearned

[link] [415 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

The resemblance is strong with this one.

The resemblance is strong with this one. submitted by this_time_i_mean_it to funny

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

Asian Leopard Cat Kitten.

Asian Leopard Cat Kitten. submitted by Chispy to aww

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

The latest Skyrim water mod looks like reality.

The latest Skyrim water mod looks like reality. submitted by koolizz to gaming

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

[IMAGE] You are one ahead of DAVID BOWIE

[IMAGE] You are one ahead of DAVID BOWIE submitted by peanutbummy to GetMotivated

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

My friend text me 'what are you doing now?'

I replied 'Probably failing my driving test'.

submitted by tomgilby to Jokes

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

Canada is beautiful

Canada is beautiful submitted by chickski to pics

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

Ran into a guy at a bar last night, couldn't help telling him he looked like a male version of Lorde. He told me to google "male lorde". His picture was the top hit.

Ran into a guy at a bar last night, couldn't help telling him he looked like a male version of Lorde. He told me to google "male lorde". His picture was the top hit. submitted by RadioMars to funny

[link] [111 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Maximum laziness

Maximum laziness submitted by gibbonator to gifs

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

That man is a human bull.

That man is a human bull. submitted by Ghost_Animator to gifs

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

TIL that Hershey's chocolate is flavored with sour-tasting butyric acid, which also gives vomit its aroma. This is why people unaccustomed to American chocolate sometimes compare it to vomit.

TIL that Hershey's chocolate is flavored with sour-tasting butyric acid, which also gives vomit its aroma. This is why people unaccustomed to American chocolate sometimes compare it to vomit. submitted by ElagabalusRex to todayilearned

[link] [660 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Jupiter and moons in the glare of moonlight

Jupiter and moons in the glare of moonlight submitted by mike_pants to space

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

Dying Light should have a different name

Dying Light should have a different name submitted by MikeyJayRaymond to gaming

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

IamA Manager at a Wind Farm AMA

I manage a Wind Farm in Texas that produces a little less than 150MW. I'll answer anything I am allowed to and anything I know the answer to.

Here are a few older pictures from when I was a field tech.

Work truck:

View down from the top of the ladder:

Wyoming snow 2012:

Milford Utah:

Gearbox changeout in Oklahoma:

submitted by onelifenoregrets to IAmA

[link] [288 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

so many gay jokes tonight wow!

so many gay jokes tonight wow! submitted by allenberg93 to funny

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

Regular Walking Can Help Ease Depression

submitted by lingben to science

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

Reminder: Khan Academy still has basic explanations on taxes in the U.S. This should help you with understanding tax brackets, deductions, and other related information.

Basically a repost from last year, but I felt the need to remind people that this resource exists. There are some simple explanations of tax law in the U.S. over at Khan Academy. Here are a couple links:

And since retirement accounts tie into deductions:

Let me know if there's anything related I should add to this list. Happy filing!

submitted by zonination to personalfinance

[link] [12 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Mo. Man Arrested After Telling Black Waitress He Wanted to Show Her Where He ‘Hung’ Her Grandpa: Tommy Dean Gaa was charged with a hate crime after using several racial slurs and grabbing the waitress’s arm

submitted by maxwellhill to news

[link] [214 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

A Cheap Material Is Set to Cut the Cost of Solar

A Cheap Material Is Set to Cut the Cost of Solar submitted by Yuli-Ban to Futurology

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

Saving Private Ryan Behind The Scenes Pics

Saving Private Ryan Behind The Scenes Pics submitted by annekar to movies

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

ELI5: Why is it Super Bowl XLIX and not Super Bowl IL? In my mind, (50-10)+(10-1)=49 is more complex than 50-1=49

submitted by Jblumhorst to explainlikeimfive

[link] [150 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

10 years ago today, Keanu Reeves received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame after giving the crew of The Matrix trilogy over $1 million each

10 years ago today, Keanu Reeves received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame after giving the crew of The Matrix trilogy over $1 million each submitted by drummingthunder to movies

[link] [53 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Someone took the time to fold and stack these shirts to recreate its image..

Someone took the time to fold and stack these shirts to recreate its image.. submitted by Greenwidget to mildlyinteresting

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

TIL that "Chimpanzees, who cannot swim, have drowned in zoo moats trying to save others." And "Given the chance to get food by pulling a chain that would also deliver an electric shock to a companion, Rhesus monkeys will starve themselves for several days."

submitted by gratyl to todayilearned

[link] [92 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

One of the most breathtaking views. (Milford Sound, New Zealand) (2848x4288)

One of the most breathtaking views. (Milford Sound, New Zealand) (2848x4288) submitted by fancifotos to EarthPorn

[link] [10 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

vendredi 30 janvier 2015

If there's ever an X-men movie solely about Mystique, a mirror would make a great movie poster.

Or maybe a portrait picture with a mirror as just the head?

submitted by Raining_whales to Showerthoughts

[link] [30 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Organic AND Freerange?

Organic AND Freerange? submitted by lockback to funny

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

A Moscow library containing rare UN documents, ancient Slavic texts, and 14 million books is on fire

submitted by Pheynes to worldnews

[link] [165 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

The opening scene of "The Fellowship of the Ring" is one of the most brilliant openings in film.

The opening scene of "The Fellowship of the Ring" is one of the most brilliant openings in film. submitted by zSnakez to movies

[link] [427 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Gorillaz are back

Jamie Hewllet confirms:

submitted by PM_ME_YOUR_VAJAY to Music

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

TIL there is a Japanese word, kenjataimu, for the post-orgasmic period when a man’s thoughts are no longer impaired by his sexual drive and he can think clearly like a “sage” of clear mind.

submitted by spellbreaker to todayilearned

[link] [144 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

TIFU when I cheated on the one test I shouldn't cheat on.

This is a bit of a tifu stretch and actually happened when I was in grade 6. I'm now a 24 y/o female and was very sheltered as a child. My class was taking a standard information gathering test which consisted of personal questions i.e. height, weight, hair colour etc. So I read the first question on the test:

  1. What is your sex? Circle M or F.

I was immediately stumped. No idea what "sex" meant. (To put myself in context... I was the kid that wholeheartedly defended Santa Claus' existence until I was at least 14 yo and was absolutely crushed when I realized that the world had been collaboratively lying to me for 14 years.) I was vaguely aware that sex was something that men and women could do with each other but in that sentence the word meant nothing to me.

My solution was simple. Check the kids paper sitting next to me. So I stealthily looked over my shoulder to my left and saw that the boy next to me had selected 'M'. Okay. Sure. Whatever. For good measure I checked the kid sitting to my right. He had also selected 'M'. Well that must be it then. So I pick 'M' and complete the remainder of the test with relative ease. Halfway through the class we were doing silent reading and the teacher was going through the tests at his desk. With confusion on his face he looked up at me and said "BellaLovesNutella, you realize your Female, yes?" and that's when it clicked that the M stood for Male. A little piece of me died that day.

TL;DR I copied another kids test and my teacher thought I had gender identity issues.

submitted by BellaLovesNutella to tifu

[link] [171 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

What would you do if 99% of the human population suddenly disappeared?

submitted by vrwim to AskReddit

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

The show playing on my flight makes it look like a mind control control room

The show playing on my flight makes it look like a mind control control room submitted by silent_deadly to mildlyinteresting

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

Police buy back wedding ring after husband pawns it to feed wife, who has Alzheimers

Police buy back wedding ring after husband pawns it to feed wife, who has Alzheimers submitted by DNZe to UpliftingNews

[link] [23 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Millionaires In America (Not OC)

Millionaires In America (Not OC) submitted by The_Garbage_Man74 to funny

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

TIL Henry Ford was an anti-semite and a Nazi supporter, and used his company, money and influence to spread and legitimize antisemitic views. He blamed every national problem on Jews, from strikes to depressions, and received the "Grand Cross of the German Eagle" from the Nazis in 1938.

TIL Henry Ford was an anti-semite and a Nazi supporter, and used his company, money and influence to spread and legitimize antisemitic views. He blamed every national problem on Jews, from strikes to depressions, and received the "Grand Cross of the German Eagle" from the Nazis in 1938. submitted by IanSan5653 to todayilearned

[link] [579 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Scientists discover that a protein in seminal fluid enables the mother's immune system to tolerate the fetus, this discovery is initiating the development of new treatments for recurrent miscarriage.

submitted by Former_FA to science

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

Bill Murray Performs Heimlich Maneuver, Saves Life Of Choking Man At Restaurant in Phoenix

submitted by ithinkandroid to news

[link] [186 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Limbo game is strong

Limbo game is strong submitted by plebeian_lifestyle to gifs

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

One of the coolest shots I've taken with my iPhone 6 [Williston, Vermont] [2448x3264]

One of the coolest shots I've taken with my iPhone 6 [Williston, Vermont] [2448x3264] submitted by Znuge802 to EarthPorn

[link] [66 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

"Look at what I found!"

"Look at what I found!" submitted by GallowBoob to aww

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

Witcher 3 Specs

Witcher 3 Specs submitted by D_J_Roomba to gaming

[link] [180 comments]

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25+ years of playing Zelda has prepared me for this moment.

25+ years of playing Zelda has prepared me for this moment. submitted by treefiddylq to funny

[link] [223 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

Dog says hello in response to human

Dog says hello in response to human submitted by PartyFriend to videos

[link] [102 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

What's your favorite insult that doesn't contain a curse word?

submitted by MisterDiddles to AskReddit

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from reddit: the front page of the internet

TIL Leonardo DiCaprio was holding up filming on 'Django Unchained' due to his reluctance to use racial epithets at his fellow actors. Samuel L. Jackson finally pulled him aside, explaining 'Motherfucker, this is just another Tuesday for us'

TIL Leonardo DiCaprio was holding up filming on 'Django Unchained' due to his reluctance to use racial epithets at his fellow actors. Samuel L. Jackson finally pulled him aside, explaining 'Motherfucker, this is just another Tuesday for us' submitted by ColonelDredd to todayilearned

[link] [140 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet