vendredi 30 janvier 2015

TIFU when I cheated on the one test I shouldn't cheat on.

This is a bit of a tifu stretch and actually happened when I was in grade 6. I'm now a 24 y/o female and was very sheltered as a child. My class was taking a standard information gathering test which consisted of personal questions i.e. height, weight, hair colour etc. So I read the first question on the test:

  1. What is your sex? Circle M or F.

I was immediately stumped. No idea what "sex" meant. (To put myself in context... I was the kid that wholeheartedly defended Santa Claus' existence until I was at least 14 yo and was absolutely crushed when I realized that the world had been collaboratively lying to me for 14 years.) I was vaguely aware that sex was something that men and women could do with each other but in that sentence the word meant nothing to me.

My solution was simple. Check the kids paper sitting next to me. So I stealthily looked over my shoulder to my left and saw that the boy next to me had selected 'M'. Okay. Sure. Whatever. For good measure I checked the kid sitting to my right. He had also selected 'M'. Well that must be it then. So I pick 'M' and complete the remainder of the test with relative ease. Halfway through the class we were doing silent reading and the teacher was going through the tests at his desk. With confusion on his face he looked up at me and said "BellaLovesNutella, you realize your Female, yes?" and that's when it clicked that the M stood for Male. A little piece of me died that day.

TL;DR I copied another kids test and my teacher thought I had gender identity issues.

submitted by BellaLovesNutella to tifu

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