mardi 24 février 2015

LPT: if you search for porn on you avoid ads, pesky view limits and find exactly what you're looking for without going to any other site than bing [NSFW for the pic and link within the text]

Okay, I know, I know. Why on earth would I use bing? Well it's rather simple, for some reason Bing will simply pull videos from any site on the internet without redirecting you and allow you to view the videos within their search engine. This seems rather logical and like a rather simple thing and I don't see why Google doesn't do this seeing as it does this when searching for pictures. However Google does not do this with video, it only does this for pictures. Thus Bing is better for searching for porn videos, because it allows you to intuitively search for and view porn quickly and easily without any of the pesky ads, view limitations, or countless searching. Whereas google may help you find it, but they redirect you. I've included a link to an imgur upload of a Google search and a Bing search for your convenience as well as a link to a simple porn search on bing below. OBVIOUSLY NSFW. I can't repeat this enough the links are NSFW.

Imgur Upload Example NSFW!

Bing Search Example NSFW!!!!!

submitted by PizzaDecimatedMyLife to LifeProTips

[link] [83 comments]

from reddit: the front page of the internet

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