vendredi 27 février 2015

The internet is safe! We are a group of a few Net Neutrality Advocacy orgs that have worked tirelessly to ask for strong open internet rules. Yesterday that happened, so A(u)MA!

About Us:

Reddit, you never cease to amaze. Thank you for participating in this and contributing some great questions. At 4:50 we officially have to say goodbye. If you any question or want to learn more, go to any of the links below and check out their websites. Also, if you are wondering what comes next to a look at this recent post.

After countless petitions, meetings and even redecorating the FCC grounds with cats, the FCC finally voted for strong Net Neutrality rules! We could not be more thrilled but we also know its exciting but confusing, so we want to clear up anything we can.

The organizations in this AMA are:

Public Knowledge

Free Press -

Spitfire Strategies -

Fight for the Future -

Common Cause -

Demand Progress -

We each have our own strengths from grassroots to policy, so go ahead ask us anything!

We Do Exist!: (

submitted by PublicKnowledgeDC to IAmA

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