mardi 24 février 2015

TIFU by coming out at a gay friends party. I'm straight.

This happened around Christmas. A gay couple I am friends with invited me to their house party. I am a straight 29/m, they are middle aged. They had also invited about 2 dozen other gay men from around town. I didn't know anyone else there.

After I arrived, I tried to mingle with the other guests. One was about to tell a raunchy story, but acknowledged that he didn't know me. "Before I start, are you family?" Not knowing what this meant, I thought he was asking if I would be offended by gay stories. "Yeah, I'm family, go right ahead!" I replied. His eyes grew wide. I was now the young new guy at the party, and everyone wanted to get to know me.

All night long everyone was over the top nice to me, and naively I thought they were just being welcoming to the newcomer in their midst. Until at the end of the night, one of them started hitting on me. When we realized my mistake, we all had a laugh, but I had about 20 new Facebook friend requests the next morning. What's more, because I had just ended things with my live in girlfriend the week before, my host friends had thought I was coming out too, and were planning on making a celebratory announcement until it was stopped at the last minute.

Embarrassing mistake, but I will have a funny story out of it at least!

submitted by Supwithbates to tifu

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