mercredi 25 février 2015

TIFU by meeting a nice girl off the internet in person

I usually just lurk, but I think it is time I told this story to someone.

This happened last year right after I got divorced.

My brother had just moved in with me, to help me after my divorce. He noticed how lonely I was and suggested online dating. I had been married for 9 years, and I had heard about it, but never participated. At the time I was only 29, so finding someone around my age should be easy. So I signed up for a popular site, perfected my profile, and started navigating my way through the endless women in my city. Things were going well, I talked to a few nice girls, but none of them really seemed like someone I would really want to meet in person. And in all honestly, I was really nervous to meet someone on the internet in person, so getting the courage to ask was the tough part for me.

Soon after, I though I might be moving out of state, so I started looking in the new state, so maybe if I found someone, we could talk and get to know each other before I got there. I instantly found a very attractive girl, that actually went to the same college as I did, and I wrote her. We hit it off instantly. We talked for a few weeks, and things were going great.

Then, she dropped it on me. She had a boyfriend. But, they have been interested in having another man join them in the bedroom, and if I was into it, they would love to have me.

Now, I had been married for 9 years, since I was 20. I didn't have any crazy sexual experiences before or during marriage, so after thinking about it, I decided that I need to go out and just do something crazy and out of my comfort zone. So I wrote her, and I accepted the offer. I said that I will be in her city in a few weeks for an interview, and I would love to get together. She was excited, sent me a mild dirty picture, and couldn't wait to meet me.

A few days go by, and this girl texts me that her boyfriend would be coming to my city for a business trip this weekend, she was coming with him, and that maybe we could meet up and have some fun. Hell yeah! I hadn't been laid since the divorce, and I was ready. They got in that Thursday, and she texted me as soon as they landed.

"We're here! Would you want to come by the hotel tonight and meet my boyfriend so he can approve? I know he will love you!"

Not a problem. I tell my brother what is going down, and tell him if he doesn't hear from me in a few hours, to call. Again, I am super nervous. Not only is this the first time I am meeting a girl I met online, it is a threesome.

I head to the hotel, which is about 25min away. I get there, text the girl, and wait in the lobby. No response. I wait like 5 min and text again. Nothing. I am freaking out inside, but trying to play it cool in case she or he comes down. 10 minutes go by and I am about to leave. I am about to walk out, and she texts me.

Come to room XXX. whew. So I go.

I knock on the door and a handsome guy answers. "Hi, I am So_wat_r_u_wearing" I say with a smile.

"Oh, hey, come on in!"

I look around and there is no girl in sight, so I ask, "where is so-and-so?"

"She walked down to the gas station so you and I could get to know each other." Ok, I thought, seems fair.

So I walk in, and he stats that I am attractive, and that this should be really fun. I am feeling a little more at ease.

Then, he asks a question I didn't understand, but knew what the hell he was talking about. "So, you wanna size up?"

Um, what?! Size up? He wants me to whip my dick out right now, and compare it to his, doesn't he?

"I can throw some porn on so we can get hard, and then size up."

I cannot emphasize how inexperienced I am at this sort of thing, so I think it is normal. Not normal for me, but for people that do these things. So I agree.

Dude busts out his laptop, which was preloaded with multiple videos ready to go. He tells me to make myself comfortable, watch, and get hard. So I do. He comes over to the bed I am sitting on, and sits next to me, dick in hand. I am so uncomfortable, that getting hard wasn't even an option. He looks over, and says, "You OK?" I nod in agreement. Well, do you want to size up? "um, sure..." So I pull it out, a little chub.

"Do you want some lube?" he asked. I say yes... which seems fucking retard now, but in the moment felt like the right thing to do, as it might help speed up the "sizing up" process, and get this girl in here to start the actual reason I was there.

He gets up, goes to his suitcase that was in the closet, and comes back, repositioning himself next to me. I am still sitting there, pants around my thighs, holding myself. He places a small amount of lube in his hand closest to me. I am thinking that he is getting some for himself, and then will hand me the small bottle. Nope. He puts the bottle down, reaches over, and starts to stoke me before I can even comprehend what the fuck is happening. He tells me how nice my junk is, and how so-and-so will love it inside of her. I have NO idea what to do. I didn't want to stop him abruptly, as 1. he has my dick firmly in his hand, and 2. i didn't come this far to scare him off and not be able to get some from so-and-so.

So I ask, "when is so-and-so coming back?"

"Oh, she is not coming back right now, tonight is just so you and I can get to know each other. Tomorrow is when we will have some real fun! So, are you close to getting off?"


"No.... I am not going to get off! I am straight. I am here for her, and I don't mind you and I doing anything with her here, but not alone!" I stand up, pull my pants up, and tell him "listen, I am more than willing to do anything with her in the room, but there is no way that just you and I are doing this. She is here right?" He affirms his story of her being out for a walk to the gas station until he calls her.

So I say thanks, and that I will see him tomorrow. I quickly leave, go to the lobby and search around for this girl I had become so familiar with for the last few weeks. Not there. So I walk outside, and around the building. No one. I then get in my truck and start driving towards the gas station, looking around to see if I can at least see her that way I know she is here, and exists. I texted her about meeting her boyfriend, and that I would see her tomorrow. Nothing. I continued to drive around near the hotel, just to catch a glimpse. Still nothing. It is starting to sink in.... This guys is sick. He baited me into this. I just got jerked by a guy. WTF?!

I finally go home, and tell my brother. He is laughing hysterically. I mean I would laugh at him too if it had happened to him.

I couldn't sleep that night. I ended up going to work early just to end these thoughts in my head.

Finally, "she" texted me. "We are leaving (my city) early, sorry, maybe next time" and I never heard from "her" again.

TL;DR Met a girl online in person. He jerked me off.

Edit: I just realized this might break the no sexual content during the week rule. Sorry mods.

submitted by So_wat_r_u_wearing to tifu

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