dimanche 19 avril 2015

I am Gordon Ramsay. AMA.

Hello reddit.

Gordon Ramsay here. This is my first time doing a reddit AMA, and I'm looking forward to answering as many of your questions as time permits this morning (with assistance from Victoria from reddit).

This week we are celebrating a milestone, I'm taping my 500th episode (#ramsay500) for FOX prime time!

About me: I'm an award-winning chef and restaurateur with 25 restaurants worldwide (http://ift.tt/MNlxUn). Also known for presenting television programs, including Hell's Kitchen, MasterChef, MasterChef Junior, Hotel Hell and Kitchen Nightmares.



submitted by _Gordon_Ramsay to IAmA

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from reddit: the front page of the internet http://ift.tt/1DzIVjR

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