lundi 20 avril 2015

Science AMA Series: We are a team of researchers exploring the ocean floor on board the Nautilus, looking at the effects the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico using ROVs, AUA!

Hi Reddit!

This week, Titanic-discoverer Dr. Robert Ballard’s Exploration Vessel E/V Nautilus departed on our most ambitious expedition season yet, exploring from the Gulf of Mexico to British Columbia. The public can watch the real-time action live from the seafloor in high-definition streaming video and participate in live interactions with shore-based audiences via

April 20th marks the fifth anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill and we have scientists from Woods Hole and Texas A&M and Penn State to talk about the live research we're doing in the Gulf of Mexico examining the biological impact of the spill as well as studying the fundamental behavior of hydrocarbon seeps as they disperse in the water column to better predict the impact of any future oil spills.

The Ocean Exploration Trust was founded in 2008 by Dr. Robert Ballard to explore the ocean, seeking out new discoveries in the fields of geology, biology, maritime history, archaeology, physics, and chemistry while pushing the boundaries of STEM education and technological innovation.

We'll back at 1 pm EDT (10 am PDT, 6 pm UTC) to answer questions, ask us anything!

Mod note: There is a subreddit for Nautilus Live: /r/NautilusLive/ It looks like it could use more subscribers!

submitted by Nautilus_Live to science
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