dimanche 19 avril 2015

TIFU by pulling my uncle into my grandma's grave at her funeral

Two weeks ago my grandma passed away at 94. I wasn't that close to her, as she lived across the country and I rarely saw her. The funeral was scheduled for a week later (last week), and I accepted to be one of the coffin bearers (not sure what you call those in english). After the church ceremony, we drove 10 minute to the cemetery, where she would be buried. The hearse drove her all the way to her graveside. We waited a while for everyone to gather, there was a ton of people, most I had never seen before. It was also the first funeral I had been to, and being there with all these people I didn't know made me very uncomfortable. The shit weather didn't make it any better, it had been raining for three days, and it was also raining this day. We carried her from the coffin wagon to her grave, where we would lower her down. It was kindda awkward getting into position and connecting the ropes to the handles. On both sides of the grave two planks were placed on the ground, so we could stand on them as it was so pretty muddy. When I stood up on it, I instantly felt how "wonky" it was. Everything went fine, we lowered the coffin slowly, and we let go of the ropes when we felt it hit the bottom of the grave. Then it all went wrong. We were three people on the plank, my brother, uncle, and me, with my uncle being in the middle. My brother stood off the plank, and my uncle still had one foot on it, when I felt the plank slide under me. I thought I was going to fall into the the grave, and everything went into slow-motion mode. Without thinking I grabbed onto my uncles arm. While I found my balance, he slipped and lost his. The next thing that happened was something so terrible, I will never forget it in my life. He fell straight into my grandma's grave, and landed on her coffin (which thankfully didn't break, it was terrible enough as it was). I remember the gasp from the crowd, and my mother's face in disbelief. The rest of the day was too painful to think of.

TL;DR: I lost balance after lowering my grandma's coffin, grabbed onto my uncle's arm and accidentally pulled him in.

submitted by throwaway231112 to tifu

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